I met up with Dakota and Jacob for coffee before they officially booked with me, and we immediately clicked. It felt so natural to sit and laugh with them, and I could tell from that one meeting they were super kind people. The engagement session rolled around and we had a blast, I couldn’t wait for their wedding. Then covid happened and I caught it days before the wedding date. I couldn’t believe it. I was devastated and stressed out to the max.
Thankfully, they were super understanding and the photography community is incredible. I was blessed and relieved to have Renee Jael (https://reneejael.com/) associate shoot the wedding for me. Check her out, she is an absolute angel of a human being! 🙂
Looking through all of the pictures to edit, made me wish even more I could’ve been there. I mean I missed out on the girls getting ready to Fearless (Taylor’s Version), and the guys playing Uno. Their ceremony space and all of the flowers looked stunning, and immediately following the ceremony they spent some time worshipping. Their friend even made their wedding cake! (https://dawnmckee.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAip-PBhDVARIsAPP2xc3Q3yCliedh8ntWHompM7xeaF2-Hy4-VrndSGJF3h8TeHyTtI-JR3waApjCEALw_wcB)
Anyway, I’m thankful to have been able to see their day unfold through these pictures. I know that Jacob and Dakota have so much love for each other, and they handled the day with grace and so much peace.